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Top Tips for Selling a House As-Is

Lisa Roberts


Selling a house is not an easy task. It can be a very stressful and lengthy process. Plus, if you want to get a reasonable price for your house, you first have to invest in repairs and renovations. But not everyone can afford to do this. Some might lack the money, while others lack the time. But no matter the reason, you should know that you have the option of selling as-is. This means that the future buyer will have to deal with all the repairs and upgrades. However, this doesn’t mean that you do nothing. So, here are some top tips for selling a house as-is.

No. 1 Consider a pre-listing inspection

A good tip for selling a house in its current condition is to obtain a pre-listing inspection. This will help you identify all the problems, allowing you to plan accordingly. On the one hand, it will facilitate the proper pricing of the house. On the other hand, it can reveal some issues that can be easily fixed or remedied, which will increase the house's value.

No. 2 Disclose everything when selling a house in its current condition

Simply listing your house "as-is" is not enough. While it's true that the potential buyers will know they are dealing with a fixer-upper, they won't want any surprises. Plus, they usually hire home inspectors of their own before making an offer. So, all the issues will come to light, and they might scare off buyers.

Therefore, it's good to disclose everything from the beginning. You should also consult a professional realtor on this matter. This is important because every state has different legal rules and regulations. And if the seller's disclosure doesn't comply with all of these, the buyer can even sue you.

No. 3 Pricing is key when selling a house as-is

In general, the proper pricing of a house can make or break a sale. But this is even more important when selling a house that's not in its best shape. Overpricing will scare off buyers, and they might not even bother making an offer. Thus, to make sure you price it correctly, consider the following:

  • Get an appraisalfor your house. This way, you will know the actual value of the property.
  • Get estimates from contractors on how much the repairs and renovations would cost. On the one hand, you can use these if you decide to make some improvements before selling. On the other hand, you will know how much a potential buyer would have to invest. This is essential since the pricing of the house should account for all that work.
  • Do some market research or consult a real estate agent. It's essential to know the sale prices of similar properties in the area to price your house correctly.

Selling a house as-is, it’s essential to price it correctly.

No. 4 Do some basic repairs before selling

Just because you're selling your house in its current shape doesn't mean you can't do some basic repairs. Firstly, this will increase its value. Secondly, buyers might condition you to perform those repairs anyway before purchasing the house. And in this case, you will be pressed by time, and they might cost more. Of course, it all depends on how much you're willing or afford to invest. 

For example, you should start by fixing or replacing any leaky faucets or pipes and any broken fixtures. Then, if you're willing to invest a bit more, you should address any termite, mold, or water damage. If necessary, you should also consider updating the electrical panel and replacing the roof. But be advised that these projects are more time-consuming and expensive.

Before selling a house, you should consider doing some basic repairs.

No. 5 Spruce it up

As always, first impressions are vital. Therefore, a good tip for selling a house as-is is to spruce it up a bit. After all, buyers have to be able to imagine themselves living there, so staging is key. Here are two simple ideas on how to do this.

Clean and declutter

No matter how many repairs you do, if the house is unclean and cluttered, potential buyers won't even consider it. Not to mention that if a room is packed with a lot of things, it will look much smaller than it is. Plus, all that clutter can be very distracting for potential buyers.

So, go through every room and decide what you want to keep, donate or throw away. Experts behind Heavenly Moving and Storage say that this is also very useful for moving into your new home because you will have less stuff to pack and transport. 

Once you've finished decluttering, do some thorough cleaning. Depending on your budget, you might consider hiring a team of professional cleaners. Or at least have your rugs professionally cleaned. You will be surprised by how much this will improve the aspect of a room.

Add a fresh coat of paint

The most basic and inexpensive way of sprucing up a house is by adding a new coat of paint to the walls. This will immediately improve the aspect, and it will even make the house smell fresh. However, it's good to know that you should opt for neutral colors. People have different tastes, and your tastes might not match your buyers'. So, go for neutrals because they appeal to the majority of people.

Before selling a house, add a fresh coat of paint to spruce it up.

No. 6 Make a plan

On the one hand, you should plan all of the above. This way, you won't be pressed by time to do repairs and upgrades, and you will have everything you need to negotiate the best price. On the other hand, you should also think about what will happen once you sell the house

Surely, the first thing you will do is celebrate the sale. But afterward, you'll have a limited amount of time to move out and find the optimal moving services in Texas for your relocation. Therefore, it's best to organize the entire process in advance. Get some estimates for moving services to find the best offer. This way, you will avoid making rash decisions that might be costly. Plus, you will be less stressed out.


If you don’t have the time or money to prepare your home, you can always sell it as-is. And while you should expect to get a lower offer on it, there are still some things you can do to increase its value and attract buyers. Being honest and disclosing all the issues is key, but you can also do some minor repairs and upgrades. So, use these top tips for selling a house as-is to get the best deal possible.


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